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Real Estate Training Institute

The textbooks for the Pre-License Courses are included. There are two. The Real Estate Training Institute published both books to accommodate real estate students, specifically in Mississippi.

These books are included in the course at the one-course price of $595.

Amazon.com offers a two-book discount on both books if bought together for $306. Please do not buy them there. Instead, the books are part of the course package.

Everyone, Everywhere with Blended Learning

The Real Estate Training Institute’s courses are the most comprehensive training courses available.  

The Real Estate Training Institute is approved for both online and classroom classes with an extended approval for livestream classes. The approvals are difficult to obtain and require additional monitoring of the learner’s progress.

We do not limit your method of learning. We understand that adults have busy schedules and are in situations unique to each person.

We offer three options for learning that can be mixed and matched depending on the student’s situation. 

Inclusive opportunity to learn is important to the Real Estate Training Institute. We strive to make our classes available to everyone, everywhere.

TOPIC: Books Included